
A Cacophony...

This site exists to question particular aspects of religious culture... And in a particular way. The "ENTRIES" are based on common Christian sayings and quotations, which are unpacked in an effort to bring them to light.


A Cacophony...

This site exists to question particular aspects of religious culture... And in a particular way. The "ENTRIES" are based on common Christian sayings and quotations, which are unpacked in an effort to bring them to light.

Jesus had a way of drawing attention to common religious sayings

to both examine and challenge them. He would even do this with popular, quoted scriptures if he felt that the general usage of them robbed them of their true meaning, intent, or context. The device Jesus would use was a simple phrase, “You have heard it said…” 

Jesus had a way of drawing attention to common religious sayings

to both examine and challenge them. He would even do this with popular, quoted scriptures if he felt that the general usage of them robbed them of their true meaning, intent, or context. The device Jesus would use was a simple phrase, “You have heard it said…” 


We have oversimplified many complex issues,

and under-simplified many straightforward ones. By and large, we seem to have lost our way. 

We have oversimplified many complex issues,

and under-simplified many straightforward ones. By and large, we seem to have lost our way. 


Here - some 2000 years later -

it seems to me that it has become necessary, even essential, for us to revive this phase Jesus used... "You have heard it said..."

Here - some 2000 years later -

it seems to me that it has become necessary, even essential, for us to revive this phase Jesus used... "You have heard it said..."


I don’t say this to point a damning finger.

I do not consider myself above the things I have set out to criticize in this blog, in fact, I wouldn’t understand any of this the way I do if I had not once harbored in my own heart the same things I now find to be at odds with the person of Jesus. 

I don’t say this to point a damning finger.

I do not consider myself above the things I have set out to criticize in this blog, in fact, I wouldn’t understand any of this the way I do if I had not once harbored in my own heart the same things I now find to be at odds with the person of Jesus. 


These words are not born

of pretense or an attempt to be clever. They are born of brokenness. This is not about gathering the cynical to relish in their cynicism. This is a plea to the cynical from a hopeful place - a place of the ideal: that we might reach higher, and bask in the brighter light.

These words are not born

of pretense or an attempt to be clever. They are born of brokenness. This is not about gathering the cynical to relish in their cynicism. This is a plea to the cynical from a hopeful place - a place of the ideal: that we might reach higher, and bask in the brighter light.